
1994 - 23 min. -
experimental - Betacam video
A reflection on mother daughter relationships
through a game of bridge: a neutral communication
which becomes a meeting point between the two
with Paulette and Jeanne Crépeau
This video was first presented as an installation
with two monitors called «Cartes sur table», at Galerie
in Montreal, from November 5th
December 11, 1994.
Voir, 6 décembre 1994,
Stéphane Aquin
«La régle du jeu»
Nominee for Best Video Award
Rendez-vous du
cinéma québécois,
Montreal, February 1995


For a long time, when I heard my mother tell
people about her best bridge games, I found a kind of (involuntary)
poetry in her peremptory declarations, these energetic testimonials,
these sudden outbursts, in this ultra-codified language that I
understood strictly nothing about. When I came up with the idea to do a
video installation with her, reproducing this surprising conversation,
she immediately agreed. Later, it was very difficult to get her to admit
that it would never been shown on TV. She would’ve liked to shoot a new
episode of these programmes in order to teach bridge by way of local
television network broadcasts.
with Paulette and Jeanne Crépeau
and also
Monique and Paul Lamontagne
Ginette and Jean-Claude Mercure
Marielle and André Drouin
Liliane and Claude Lecavalier
Florence and Charles Albert Poissant
Louise Berthiaume and Kamel Fergani
director of photography
Nathalie Moliavko-Visotsky
Normand Fortin
assistant director
Nathalie Saint-Pierre
sound recordist
Yvon Benoit
make up
Mireille Ouellet
additional pictures
Jeanne Crépeau, Louis Bélanger
assistant to the electric
Éric Bachand
bridge advisers
Kamel Fergani,
Lucie and Marielle Masse,
Maya Berberi,
Dominique Roustain
Isabelle Lepage
iconographic research
David Lambert
René Roberge
Jeanne Crépeau
Linda Peers
graphic arts
Lyne Camden
special effects
extract of the song
«La partie de bridge» 1932
lyrics by Jean Nohain,
music by Mireille,
sang by Mireille,
Jean Nohain, Pills and Tabet
Sylvie Gauthier
essential, continuous
precious complicity
Normand Fortin
This video was produced thanks to the generous
contribution of every member of the crew and with the precious support
from Oboro and Videographe staff.
I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
thousand thanls to
Sylvie Masse
for everything
thanks also to
Jacques Auclair
Josette Bélanger
Bernard Bilodeau
Nicole Boisvert
Luc Bourdon
Robert Brisson
Maria Capilla
Ginette Caron
Daniel Chrétien
Daniel Dion
Michèle et Éliane Dubé
Christian Langlois
Emmanuel Lépine
Ségolène Roederer
Pol Turgeon
André Trudelle
and Stéphane Tremblay
for their support.
Thanks to Téléfilm Canada,
La Société générale
des industries culturelles
and CALQ
for their financial support.
a co-production
box film and Vidéographe
a video by Jeanne Crépeau
November 1994

I remember a full day of shooting, with the
indispensable complicity of Normand Fortin, as well as Manu
Lépine and Daniel Chrétien, who hosted us in the warm and
lively studio that was Moliflex.


René Roberge in the editing room