
et l'obscurité
1992 - 16 min. - danse film- 16mm
without dialogue
Women facing violence. Based on Brouhaha Danse Group
show in memory of their colleague and friend,
Claire Samson, murdered in the back of the very chic
clothing store where she was working.
with Hélène Langevin, Guylaine Savoie, Ginette Ferland and Rolline Laporte
Voir, 2 avril 1992, Eric Fourlanty
«Voix parallèles»

a film by Jeanne Crépeau
with Ginette Ferland, Hélène Langevin
Rolline Laporte, Guylaine Savoie
Marc Béland, Alain Francoeur
and Michel Brault as God.
Jeanne Crépeau
and Brouhaha Danse
Nathalie Moliavko-Visotsky
assistant camera
Esther Valiquette
second camera
Sylvaine Dufaux
Marie-Carole de Beaumont
sets assistant
Anthony Caron
Eleni Uranis
dress cutter
Serge Saintonge
make up
Mireille Ouellet
assistant make up
Annie Brasseur
Réjean Goderre
Claude Fortier
Marc Charlebois
Robert Auclair
assistant director
Guy Bouchard
trainee director
Céline Baril
production assistant
Bruno Roy
production manager
Alain Rondeau
Richard Comeau
sound design
Jeanne Crépeau
Richard Comeau
and Charmaine Leblanc
Lisa Wedlock
Charmaine Leblanc
Jeanne Crépeau
Roch Lafortune
Richard Comeau
viola de gamba
Johanne Gauthier
Marc Pérusse
Voice recording
Studio Divan Vert
recording technician
Joe Petrella
effects recording
Studio 4 ONF
recording technician
Terry Mardini
folley recording
Studio 2 ONF
recording technician
Sherly Desbiens
Adrien Croll
negative cut
optical effects
Images infinies inc.
coordination NFB
Edouard Davidovici
administration NFB
Ghislaine Mathieu
Danielle Aubin
Philippe Chartrand
This film was produced thanks to
the precious participation of all cast and crew and with financial support from
Aide au cinéma indépendant
(Québec) at the NFB, Aide aux jeunes créateurs du
cinéma de la Société générale des
industries culturelles du Québec and from Canada Arts Council.
Thnaks to the Syndicat des
techniciennes et des techniciens du cinéma et de la vidéo
du Québec.
Many thanks to all and specially to
Lépine and Daniel Chrétien from Moliflex and to Guy
Dufaux. Thanks also to Jacynthe Bélanger, Marie-Claude
Bouthillier, Louise de Beaumont, Hélène Duval, Manon
Oligny, Danielle Lecourtois, Marie-Stéphane Ledoux,
Marie-Hélène Montpetit, Justine Pimlott, Michka Saäl,
Marilin Trahan and Danielle Trépanier.
Claire et l’obscurité
directed and produced by
Jeanne Crépeau
@ Les films de l’autre inc. 1992
(box film)
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last row up, starting left:
Guylaine Savoie, Ginette Ferland, Eleni Uranis, Marc Béland,
Robert Auclair, Claude Fortier, Marie-Carole de Beaumont, Bruno Roy.
second row:
Rolline Laporte, Mireille Ouellet, Alain
Rondeau, Nathalie Moliavko-Visotsky, Hélène Langevin,
Esther Valiquette
first row: Jeanne Crépeau, Guy Bouchard and
Céline Baril.
extract from the storyboard

extracts from the iconographic research for the film
